A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism(Volume I)(电磁学通论 第一卷)
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商品名称:A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism(Volume I)(电磁学通论 第一卷)
物料号 :48504-00
作者: James Clerk Maxwell

詹姆斯·C.麦克斯韦(James Clerk Maxwell,1831—1879),英国物理学家、数学家,经典电动力学的创始人,统计物理学的奠基人之一。

麦克斯韦在1873 年出版的科学名著《电磁学通论》,系统、全面、完美地阐述了电磁场理论,被尊为继牛顿《自然哲学的数学原理》之后的一部最重要的物理学经典。《电磁学通论》共4篇,分为两卷。第一卷内容包括: 绪论、静电学和动电学;第二卷内容包括:磁学和电磁学。


PRELIMINARY.on the measurement of quantities
  1∗. The expression of a quantity consists of two factors, the numerical value,
  and the name of the concrete unit
  2. Dimensions of derived units
  3-5. The three fundamental units—Length, Time and Mass
  6. Derived units
  7. Physical continuity and discontinuity
  8. Discontinuity of a function of more than one variable
  9. Periodic and multiple functions
  10. Relation of physical quantities to directions in space
  11. Meaning of the words Scalar and Vector
  12. Division of physical vectors into two classes, Forces and Fluxes
  13. Relation between corresponding vectors of the two classes
  14. Line-integration appropriate to forces, surface-integration to fluxes
  15. Longitudinal and rotational vectors
  16. Line-integrals and potentials
  17. Hamilton’s expression for the relation between a force and its potential
  18. Cyclic regions and geometry of position
  19. The potential in an acyclic region is single valued
  20. System of values of the potential in a cyclic region
  21. Surface-integrals
  22. Surfaces, tubes, and lines of flow
  23. Right-handed and left-handed relations in space
  24. Transformation of a line-integral into a surface-integral
  25. Effect of Hamilton’s operation ∇ on a vector function
  26. Nature of the operation ∇2
  CHAPTER I.description of phenomena
   27. Electrification by friction. Electrification is of two kinds, to which the names of Vitreous and Resinous, or Positive and Negative, have been given
   28. Electrification by induction
   29. Electrification by conduction. Conductors and insulators
   30. In electrification by friction the quantity of the positive electrification is equal to that of the negative electrification
   31. To charge a vessel with a quantity of electricity equal and opposite to that of an excited body
   32. To discharge a conductor completely into a metallic vessel
   33. Test of electrification by gold-leaf electroscope
   34. Electrification, considered as a measurable quantity, may be called Electricity
   35. Electricity may be treated as a physical quantity
   36. Theory of Two fluids
   37. Theory of One fluid
   38. Measurement of the force between electrified bodies
   39. Relation between this force and the quantities of electricity
   40. Variation of the force with the distance
   41,42. Definition of the electrostatic unit of electricity. — Its dimensions
   43. Proof of the law of electric force
   44. Electric field
   45. Electric potential
   46. Equipotential surfaces. Example of their use in reasoning about electricity
   47. Lines of force
   48. Electric tension
   49. Electromotive force
   50. Capacity of a conductor
   51. Properties of bodies. — Resistance
   52. Specific Inductive capacity of a dielectric
   53. ‘Absorption’ of electricity
   54. Impossibility of an absolute charge
   55. Disruptive discharge. -Glow
   56. Brush
   57. Spark
   58. Electrical phenomena of Tourmaline
   59. Plan of the treatise, and sketch of its results
   60. Electric polarization and displacement
   61. The motion of electricity analogous to that of an incompressible fluid
   62. Peculiarities of the theory of this treatise
  CHAPTER II.elementary mathematical theory of electricity
   63. Definition of electricity as a mathematical quantity
   64. Volume-density, surface-density, and line-density
   65. Definition of the electrostatic unit of electricity
   66. Law of force between electrified bodies
   67. Resultant force between two bodies
   68. Resultant force at a point
   69. Line-integral of electric force; electromotive force
   70. Electric potential
   71. Resultant force in terms of the potential
   72. The potential of all points of a conductor is the same
   73. Potential due to an electrified system
   74. Proof of the law of the inverse square
   75. Surface-integral of electric induction
   76. Introduction through a closed surface due to a single centre of force
   77. Poisson’s extension of Laplace’s equation
   78. Conditions to be fulfilled at an electrified surface
   79. Resultant force on an electrified surface
   80. The electrification of a conductor is entirely on the surface
   81. A distribution of electricity on lines or points is physically impossible
   82. Lines of electric induction
   83. Specific inductive capacity
  CHAPTER of conductors
   84. On the superposition of electrified systems
   85. Energy of an electrified system
   86. General theory of a system of conductors. Coefficients of potential
   87. Coefficients of induction. Capacity of a conductor. Dimensions of these coefficients
   88. Reciprocal property of the coefficients
   89. A theorem due to Green
   90. Relative magnitude of the coefficients of potential
   91. And of induction
   92. The resultant mechanical force on a conductor expressed in terms of the charges of the different conductors of the system and the variation of the coefficients of potential
   93. The same in terms of the potentials, and the variation of the coefficients
   of induction
   94. Comparison of electrified systems
  CHAPTER IV.general theorems
   95. Two opposite methods of treating electrical questions
   96. Characteristics of the potential function
   97. Conditions under which the volume-integral ZZZ „udVdx+ vdVdy+ wdVdz«dxdydzvanishes
   98. Thomson’s theorem of the unique minimum of ZZZ1K(a2 + b2 + c2)dxdydz
   99. Application of the theorem to the determination of the distribution of electricity
   100. Green’s theorem and its physical interpretation
   101. Green’s functions
   102. Method of finding limiting values of electrical coefficients
  CHAPTER V.mechanical action between electrified bodies
   103. Comparison of the force between different electrified systems
   104. Mechanical action on an element of an electrified surface
   105. Comparison between theories of direct action and theories of stress
   106. The kind of stress required to account for the phenomenon
   107. The hypothesis of stress considered as a step in electrical science
   108. The hypothesis of stress shewn to account for the equilibrium of the medium and for the forces acting between electrified bodies
   109. Statements of Faraday relative to the longitudinal tension and lateral pressure of the lines of force
   110. Objections to stress in a fluid considered
   111. Statement of the theory of electric polarization
  CHAPTER VI.points and lines of equilibrium
   112. Conditions of a point of equilibrium
   113. Number of points of equilibrium
   114. At a point or line of equilibrium there is a conical point or a line of self-intersection of the equipotential surface
   115. Angles at which an equipotential surface intersects itself
   116. The equilibrium of an electrified body cannot be stable
  CHAPTER VII.forms of equipotential surfaces and lines of flow
   117. Practical importance of a knowledge of these forms in simple cases
   118. Two electrified points, ratio 4 : 1. (Fig. I)
   119. Two electrified points, ratio 4 : –1. (Fig. II)
   120. An electrified point in a uniform field of force. (Fig. III)
   121. Three electrified points. Two spherical equipotential surfaces. (Fig. IV)
   122. Faraday’s use of the conception of lines of force
   123. Method employed in drawing the diagrams
  CHAPTER VIII.simple cases of electrification
   124. Two parallel planes
   125. Two concentric spherical surfaces
   126. Two coaxal cylindric surfaces
   127. Longitudinal force on a cylinder, the ends of which are surrounded by cylinders at different potentials
  CHAPTER IX.spherical harmonics
   128. Singular points at which the potential becomes infinite
   129. Singular points of different orders defined by their axes
   130. Expression for the potential due to a singular point referred to its axes
   131. This expression is perfectly definite and represents the most general type of the harmonic of i degrees
   132. The zonal, tesseral, and sectorial types
   133. Solid harmonics of positive degree. Their relation to those of negative degree
   134. Application to the theory of electrified spherical surfaces
   135. The external action of an electrified spherical surface compared with that of an imaginary singular point at its centre
   136. Proof that if Yi and Yj are two surface harmonics of different degrees, the surface-integral RRYiYjdS = 0, the integration being extended over the spherical surface
   137. Value of RRYiYjdS where Yi and Yj are surface harmonics of the same degree but of different types
   138. On conjugate harmonics
   139. If Yj is the zonal harmonic and Yi any other type of the same degree184 ZZYiYjdS =4πa22i + 1Yi(j)where Yi(j) is the value of Yi at the pole of Yj
   140. Development of a function in terms of spherical surface harmonics
   141. Surface-integral of the square of a symmetrical harmonic
   142. Different methods of treating spherical harmonics
   143. On the diagrams of spherical harmonics. (Figs. V, VI, VII, VIII, IX)
   144. If the potential is constant throughout any finite portion of space it is so throughout the whole region continuous with it within which Laplace’s equation is satisfied
   145. To analyse a spherical harmonic into a system of conjugate harmonics by means of a finite number of measurements at selected points of the sphere
   146. Application to spherical and nearly spherical conductors
  CHAPTER X.confocal surfaces of the second degree
   147. The lines of intersection of two systems and their intercepts by the third system
   148. The characteristic equation of V in terms of ellipsoidal coordinates
   149. Expression of α, β, γ in terms of elliptic functions
   150. Particular solutions of electrical distribution on the confocal surfaces and their limiting forms
   151. Continuous transformation into a figure of revolution about the axis of z
   152. Transformation into a figure of revolution about the axis of x
   153. Transformation into a system of cones and spheres
   154. Confocal paraboloids
  CHAPTER XI.theory of electric images
   155. Thomson’s method of electric images
   156. When two points are oppositely and unequally electrified, the surface for which the potential is zero is a sphere
   157. Electric images
   158. Distribution of electricity on the surface of the sphere
   159. Image of any given distribution of electricity
   160. Resultant force between an electrified point and sphere
   161. Images in an infinite plane conducting surface
   162. Electric inversion
   163. Geometrical theorems about inversion
   164. Application of the method to the problem of Art. 158
   165. Finite systems of successive images
   166. Case of two spherical surfaces intersecting at an angle πn
   167. Enumeration of the cases in which the number of images is finite
   168. Case of two spheres intersecting orthogonally
   169. Case of three spheres intersecting orthogonally
   170. Case of four spheres intersecting orthogonally
   171. Infinite series of images. Case of two concentric spheres
   172. Any two spheres not intersecting each other
   173. Calculation of the coefficients of capacity and induction
   174. Calculation of the charges of the spheres, and of the force between them
   175. Distribution of electricity on two spheres in contact. Proof sphere
   176. Thomson’s investigation of an electrified spherical bowl
   177. Distribution on an ellipsoid, and on a circular disk at potential V
   178. Induction on an uninsulated disk or bowl by an electrified point in the continuation of the plane or spherical surface
   179. The rest of the sphere supposed uniformly electrified
   180. The bowl maintained at potential V and uninfluenced
   181. Induction on the bowl due to a point placed anywhere
  CHAPTER XII.conjugate functions in two dimensions
   182. Cases in which the quantities are functions of x and y only
   183. Conjugate functions
   184. Conjugate functions may be added or subtracted
   185. Conjugate functions of conjugate functions are themselves conjugate
   186. Transformation of Poisson’s equation
   187. Additional theorems on conjugate functions
   188. Inversion in two dimensions
   189. Electric images in two dimensions
   190. Neumann’s transformation of this case
   191. Distribution of electricity near the edge of a conductor formed by two plane surfaces
   192. Ellipses and hyperbolas. (Fig. X)
   193. Transformation of this case. (Fig. XI)
   194. Application to two cases of the flow of electricity in a conducting sheet
   195. Application to two cases of electrical induction
   196. Capacity of a condenser consisting of a circular disk between two infinite planes
   197. Case of a series of equidistant planes cut off by a plane at right angles to them
   198. Case of a furrowed surface
   199. Case of a single straight groove
   200. Modification of the results when the groove is circular
   201. Application to Sir W. Thomson’s guard-ring
   202. Case of two parallel plates cut off by a perpendicular plane. (Fig. XII)
   203. Case of a grating of parallel wires. (Fig. XIII)
   204. Case of a single electrified wire transformed into that of the grating
   205. The grating used as a shield to protect a body from electrical influence
   206. Method of approximation applied to the case of the grating
  CHAPTER XIII.electrostatic instruments
   207. The frictional electrical machine
   208. The electrophorus of Volta
   209. Production of electrification by mechanical work.—Nicholson’s Revolving Doubler
   210. Principle of Varley’s and Thomson’s electrical machines
   211. Thomson’s water-dropping machine
   212. Holtz’s electrical machine
   213. Theory of regenerators applied to electrical machines
   214. On electrometers and electroscopes. Indicating instruments and null methods. Difference between registration and measurement
   215. Coulomb’s Torsion Balance for measuring charges
   216. Electrometers for measuring potentials. Snow Harris’s and Thomson’s
   217. Principle of the guard-ring. Thomson’s Absolute Electrometer
   218. Heterostatic method
   219. Self-acting electrometers.—Thomson’s Quadrant Electrometer
   220. Measurement of the electric potential of a small body
   221. Measurement of the potential at a point in the air
   222. Measurement of the potential of a conductor without touching it
   223. Measurement of the superficial density of electrification. The proof plane
   224. A hemisphere used as a test
   225. A circular disk
   226. On electric accumulators. The Leyden jar
   227. Accumulators of measurable capacity
   228. The guard-ring accumulator
   229. Comparison of the capacities of accumulators
   230. Current produced when conductors are discharged
   231. Transference of electrification
   232. Description of the voltaic battery
   233. Electromotive force
   234. Production of a steady current
   235. Properties of the current
   236. Electrolytic action
   237. Explanation of terms connected with electrolysis
   238. Different modes of passage of the current
   239. Magnetic action of the current
   240. The Galvanometer
  CHAPTER II.conduction and resistance
   241. Ohm’s Law
   242. Generation of heat by the current. Joule’s Law
   243. Analogy between the conduction of electricity and that of heat
   244. Differences between the two classes of phenomena
   245. Faraday’s doctrine of the impossibility of an absolute charge
  CHAPTER III.electromotive force between bodies in contact
   246. Volta’s law of the contact force between different metals at the same temperature
   247. Effect of electrolytes
   248. Thomson’s voltaic current in which gravity performs the part of chemical action
   249. Peltier’s phenomenon. Deduction of the thermoelectric electromotive force at a junction
   250. Seebeck’s discovery of thermoelectric currents
   251. Magnus’s law of a circuit of one metal
   252. Cumming’s discovery of thermoelectric inversions
   253. Thomson’s deductions from these facts, and discovery of the reversible
   thermal effects of electric currents in copper and in iron
   254. Tait’s law of the electromotive force of a thermoelectric pair
  CHAPTER IV.electrolysis
   255. Faraday’s law of electrochemical equivalents
   256. Clausius’s theory of molecular agitation
   257. Electrolytic polarization
   258. Test of an electrolyte by polarization
   259. Difficulties in the theory of electrolysis
   260. Molecular charges
   261. Secondary actions observed at the electrodes
   262. Conservation of energy in electrolysis
   263. Measurement of chemical affinity as an electromotive force
  CHAPTER V.electrolytic polarization
   264. Difficulties of applying Ohm’s law to electrolytes
   265. Ohm’s law nevertheless applicable
   266. The effect of polarization distinguished from that of resistance
   267. Polarization due to the presence of the ions at the electrodes. The ions not in a free state
   268. Relation between the electromotive force of polarization and the state of the ions at the electrodes
   269. Dissipation of the ions and loss of polarization
   270. Limit of polarization
   271. Bitter’s secondary pile compared with the Leyden jar
   272. Constant voltaic elements.—Daniell’s cell
  CHAPTER VI.mathematical theory of the distribution of electric currents
   273. Linear conductors
   274. Ohm’s Law
   275. Linear conductors in series
   276. Linear conductors in multiple arc
   277. Resistance of conductors of uniform section
   278. Dimensions of the quantities involved in Ohm’s law
   279. Specific resistance and conductivity in electromagnetic measure
   280. Linear systems of conductors in general
   281. Reciprocal property of any two conductors of the system
   282. Conjugate conductors
   283. Heat generated in the system
   284. The heat is a minimum when the current is distributed according to Ohm’s law
  CHAPTER VII.conduction in three dimensions
   285. Notation
   286. Composition and resolution of electric currents
   287. Determination of the quantity which flows through any surface
   288. Equation of a surface of flow
   289. Relation between any three systems of surfaces of flow
   290. Tubes of flow
   291. Expression for the components of the flow in terms of surfaces of flow
   292. Simplification of this expression by a proper choice of parameters
   293. Unit tubes of flow used as a complete method of determining the current
   294. Current-sheets and current-functions
   295. Equation of ‘continuity’
   296. Quantity of electricity which flows through a given surface
  CHAPTER VIII.resistance and conductivity in three dimensions
   297. Equations of resistance
   298. Equations of conduction
   299. Rate of generation of heat
   300. Conditions of stability
   301. Equation of continuity in a homogeneous medium
   302. Solution of the equation
   303. Theory of the coefficient T. It probably does not exist
   304. Generalized form of Thomson’s theorem
   305. Proof without symbols
   306. Strutt’s method applied to a wire of variable section.—Lower limit of the value of the resistance
   307. Higher limit
   308. Lower limit for the correction for the ends of the wire
   309. Higher limit
  CHAPTER IX.conduction through heterogeneous media
   310. Surface-conditions
   311. Spherical surface
   312. Spherical shell
   313. Spherical shell placed in a field of uniform flow
   314. Medium in which small spheres are uniformly disseminated
   315. Images in a plane surface
   316. Method of inversion not applicable in three dimensions
   317. Case of conduction through a stratum bounded by parallel planes
   318. Infinite series of images. Application to magnetic induction
   319. On stratified conductors. Coefficients of conductivity of a conductor consisting of alternate strata of two different substances
   320. If neither of the substances has the rotatory property denoted by T the compound conductor is free from it
   321. If the substances are isotropic the direction of greatest resistance is normal to the strata
   322. Medium containing parallelepipeds of another medium
   323. The rotatory property cannot be introduced by means of conducting channels
   324. Construction of an artificial solid having given coefficients of longitudinal and transverse conductivity
  CHAPTER X.conduction in dielectrics
   325. In a strictly homogeneous medium there can be no internal charge
   326. Theory of a condenser in which the dielectric is not a perfect insulator
   327. No residual charge due to simple conduction
   328. Theory of a composite accumulator
   329. Residual charge and electrical absorption
   330. Total discharge
   331. Comparison with the conduction of heat
   332. Theory of telegraph cables and comparison of the equations with those of the conduction of heat
   333. Opinion of Ohm on this subject
   334. Mechanical illustration of the properties of a dielectric
  CHAPTER XI.measurement of the electric resistance of conductors
   335. Advantage of using material standards of resistance in electrical measurements
   336. Different standards which have been used and different systems which have been proposed
   337. The electromagnetic system of units
   338. Weber’s unit, and the British Association unit or Ohm
   339. Professed value of the Ohm 10,000,000 metres per second
   340. Reproduction of standards
   341. Forms of resistance coils
   342. Coils of great resistance
   343. Arrangement of coils in series
   344. Arrangement in multiple arc
   345. On the comparison of resistances. (1) Ohm’s method
   346. (2) By the differential galvanometer
   347. (3) By Wheatstone’s Bridge
   348. Estimation of limits of error in the determination
   349. Best arrangement of the conductors to be compared
   350. On the use of Wheatstone’s Bridge
   351. Thomson’s method for small resistances
   352. Matthiessen and Hockin’s method for small resistances
   353. Comparison of great resistances by the electrometer
   354. By accumulation in a condenser
   355. Direct electrostatic method
   356. Thomson’s method for the resistance of a galvanometer
   357. Mance’s method of determining the resistance of a battery
   358. Comparison of electromotive forces
  CHAPTER XII.electric resistance of substances
   359. Metals, electrolytes, and dielectrics
   360. Resistance of metals
   361. Resistance of mercury
   362. Table of resistance of metals
   363. Resistance of electrolytes
   364. Experiments of Paalzow
   365. Experiments of Kohlrausch and Nippoldt
   366. Resistance of dielectrics
   367. Gutta-percha
   368. Glass
   369. Gases
   370. Experiments of Wiedemann and R¨uhlmann








