PHYSICS Fifth Edition Part 2
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商品名称:PHYSICS Fifth Edition Part 2
物料号 :27263-00
作者:马文蔚 解希顺 周雨青

On the base of Physic(Fourth Edition),the revision of this book is made consulting The Basic Requirement of Teaching University Physics Course for Non-physical Major in University of Science and Engineering (Discussion Draft)and constituted lastly by sub-committee of physics essential lecture teaching guidance for non-physics specialty,Education Department.What in the book contains all of kernels required in the basic requirement,moreover,a certain amount of extension content is presented as well as for different majors.In the revision,this book keeps specialties such as logical system,well-situated profundity and extension,proper capacity,wide flexibility coming from the original vision of the book.Meanwhile,it adds more contents in following aspects:modern physics,the annotation with modern viewpoints for classic physics,and the effects to science and technology from the achievements of modern physics.

This book has two volumes.In Volume Ⅰ,it contains mechanics and electromagnetic.And in Volume Ⅱ,it contains oscillation and undulation,optics,theory of molecular dynamics and basic of thermodynamics,theory of relativity,quantum physics.There are books The Applications of Physical Principle in Engineering and Technology(Third Edition),The Analysis and Solution for Exercises in Physics(Fifth Edition),Guidance for Learning Physics(Fifth Edition)and the multimedia The Electronic Teaching Plan for Physics(Fifth Edition)to form a complete set with this book.

This book can be the teaching material of the higher education for non-physical major in university of sciences and engineering.It can also be selected as texts by the relevant fields of social sciences and natural sciences and read by social readers at large.

Chapter 9 Oscillation
  9-1 Simple Harmonic Motion, Amplitude, Period and Frequency, Phase
   1.Simple harmonic motion
   3.Period and frequency
   5.The solution of constant A and φ
  9-2 Rotating Vector
  9-3 Single Pendulum and the Physical Pendulum
   1.Single pendulum
   2.Physical pendulum
  9-4 Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion
  9-5 Superposition of Simple Harmonic Motions
   1.Superposition of two simple harmonic motions with same frequency in the same direction
   2.Superposition of two simple harmonic motions with the same frequency in perpendicular direction
   *3.Superposition of several simple harmonic motions with the same frequency in the same direction
   4.Superposition of two simple harmonic motions with different frequency in the same direction beat
  *9-6 Damped Oscillation, Forced Oscillation and Resonance
   1.Damped oscillation
   2.Forced oscillation
  9-7 Electromagnetic Oscillation
   1.Oscillation circuit, free electromagnetic oscillation without damping
   2.The equation of the free electromagnetic oscillation without damping
   3.The energy of the free electromagnetic oscillation without damping
  *9-8The Brief Introduction of Non-linear System
Chapter 10 Wave Motion
  10-1 Several Concepts of Mechanical Wave
   1.The formation of mechanical wave
   2.Transverse wave and the longitudinal wave
   3.Wavelength, wave period and frequency, wave speed
   4.Wave line, wave surface, wave front
  10-2 Wave Function of Simple Harmonic Wave
   1.Wave function of simple harmonic wave
   2.The physical meaning of wave function
  10-3 Energy in Wave Motion, Energy Flux Density
   1.The propagation of wave energy
   2.Energy flux and energy flux density
  10-4 Huygens Principle, Diffraction and Interference of Waves
   1.Huygens principle
   2.The diffraction of waves
   3.The interference of waves
  10-5 Standing Waves
   1.Formation of standing waves
   2.Equation of standing waves
   3.Phase jump
   4.Energy in standing waves
   5.Normal modes of oscillation
  10-6 Doppler Effect
   1.Observer moving with velocity v0 relative to medium while wave source is at rest
   2.Wave source moving with velocity vs relative to the medium toward,while observer is at rest
   3.Wave source and observer moving simultaneously relative to the medium
  10-7 Plane Electromagnetic Waves
   1.Generation and propagation of electromagnetic waves
   2.Characteristics of plane electromagnetic waves
   3.Energy in electromagnetic waves
   4.The electromagnetic spectrum
  *10-8 Sound Wave, Ultrasonic Wave and Infrasonic Wave
   1.The sound wave
   2.Ultrasonic wave
   3.Infrasonic wave
Chapter 11 Optics
  11-1 Coherent Light
  11-2 Young’s Double-slit Interference, Lloyd Mirror
   1.Yong’s double-slit interference
   *2.The effect of the slit width to the fringes, space coherence
   3.Lloyd mirror
  11-3 Optical Path, Film Interference
   1.Optical path
   2.The lens does not introduce the additional optical path difference
   3.Interference in thin film
   *4.Equal inclination interference
  11-4 Wedge,Newton’s Ring
   2.Newton’s ring
  11-5 Michelson Interferometer, Time Coherence
   1.Michelson interferometer
   *2.Time coherence
  11-6 The Diffraction of Light
   1.The diffraction phenomenon of light
   2.Huygens-Fresnel principle
   3.Fresnel diffraction and Fraunhofer diffraction
  11-7 Single-slit Diffraction
  11-8 Hole Diffraction, the Resolution Capability of Optical Instruments
  11-9 Diffraction Grating
   2.The formation of grating diffraction fringe
   3.Diffraction spectrum
   *4.X-ray diffraction
  11-10 The Polarization of Light, Malus Law
   1.Nature light,Polarized light
   2.Polaroid sheet,Polarizing and Polarization analysis
   3.Malus law
  11-11 The Polarization of Reflected Light and Refracted Light
  11-12 The Birefringence
   1.The birefringence of ordinary light and extraordinary light
   *2.The explanation of huygens principle to birefringence phenomenon
   *3.1/4 wave plate and half-wave plate
   *4.Man-made birefringence phenomenon
  *11-13 The Liquid Crystal Display
   1.The sort of the liquid crystal
   2.The electro optical effect and display principle of the liquid crystal
   3.The display of liquid crystal
  *11-14 Geometrical Optics
   1.The fundamental laws of geometrical optics
   2.The catoptric imaging and the dioptric imaging of light on the plane
   3.Catoptric imaging and dioptric imaging of light on spherical surface
   4.Thin lens
   5.The microscope, the telescope and the camera
Chapter 12 Gas Kinetics
  12-1 The Equilibrium State, the State Equations of the Ideal Gas,the Zero Law of Thermodynamics
   1.The state parameters of gases
   2.Equilibrium state
   3.The equation of the state of the ideal gas
   4.The zeroth law of thermodynamics
  12-2 The Microscopic Model of Matter ,the Law of Statistics
   1.The scale of molecules and molecular forces
   2.The disorder and the statistical regularity of the thermal motion of molecules
  12-3 The Pressure Formula of the Ideal Gas
   1.The microscopic model of the ideal gas
   2.The pressure formula of the ideal gas
  12-4 The Relationship Between the Average Translational Kinetic Energy ,Temperature of the Ideal Gas
  12-5 The Theorem of Equipartition of Energy,the Internal Energy of the Ideal Gas
   1.Degrees of freedom
   2.The theorem of equipartition of energy
   3.The internal energy of the ideal gas
  12-6 The Law of Maxwell Speed Distribution of Gas Molecules
   1.The experiment of measuring the speed distribution of gas molecules
   2.The Maxwell speed distribution law of gas molecules
   3.The three statistical speeds
   *4.The problem of gas escaping from the Earth’s atmosphere and questioning with Clausius
  *12-7 The Boltzmann Energy Distribution Law, the Isothermal and the Isobaric Formula
   1.The Boltzmann distribution law of energy
   2.The isothermal gas pressure formula in the gravitational field
  12-8 The Average Number of Collisions of Molecules and the Mean Free Path
  *12-9 The Transport Phenomena of Gases
   1.The viscous phenomenon
   2.Heat conduction phenomenon
   3.The diffusion phenomenon
   4.The three kinds of transfer coefficients
  *12-10The van der Waals Equation of the Real Gases
Chapter 13 Fundamentals of Thermodynamics
  13-1 Quasi-static Processes, Work, Heat
   1.Quasi-static processes
  13-2 The First Law of Thermodynamics, the Internal Energy
  13-3 The Isochoric and Isobaric Processes of the Ideal Gas, the Molar Heat Capacity
   1.The isochoric process and the isochoric molar heat capacity
   2.The isobaric process and the isobaric molar heat capacity
   *3.The heat capacity of solids
   4.The specific heat
  13-4 The Isothermal Process and Adiabatic Process of the Ideal Gas, *the Polytropic Process
   1.The isothermal process
   2.The adiabatic process
   3.Adiabat and isotherm
   *4.The polytropic process
  13-5 The Cyclic Process,the Carnot Cycle
   1.The cyclic process
   2.The heat engine and the refrigerator
   3.The Carnot cycle
  13-6 The Expressions of the Second Law of Thermodynamics,the Carnot Theorem
   1.The two expressions of the second law of thermodynamics
   2.The reversible and irreversible processes
   3.The Carnot theorem
   4.Quality of energy
  13-7 Entropy, the Principle of Entropy Increase
   2.The calculation of the change of entropy
   3.The principle of entropy increase
   4.The principle of entropy increase and the second law of thermodynamics
  13-8 The Statistical Significance of the Second Law of Thermodynamics
   1.The Boltzmann formula———entropy and the thermodynamic probability
   2.The degree of disorder and the thermodynamic probability
   *3.The phenomenon of self-organization
  *13-9 The Brief Introduction of Comentropy
   1.The relationship between information and entropy
   2.The quantities of information
Chapter 14 Theory of Relativity
  14-1 Galilean Transformation, Newton’s Notions of the Absolute Space-time
   1.Galilean transformation, the relativity principle of classical mechanics
   2.The notions of absolute space-time of classical mechanics
  14-2 Michelson-Morley Experiment
  14-3 The Basic Principle of Special Relativity,Lorentz Transformation
   1.The basic principle of special relativity
   2.Lorentz transformation
   3.Lorentz velocity transformation
  14-4 The Notions of Space-time of Special Relativity
   1.Relativity of simultaneity
   2.Length contraction
   3.Time dilation
   *4.Experimental evidences for time dilation and length contraction
  *14-5 Doppler Effect of Light
  14-6 Relativistic Momentum and Relativistic Energy
   1.Relation between momentum and velocity
   2.The basic equations of special relativity mechanics
   3.Relation between mass and energy
   4.Application of mass-energy formula in nuclear fission and nuclear fusion
   5.Relation between momentum and energy
  *14-7 Plasma and Controlled Nuclear Fusion
   1.Plasma and its basic property
   2.Properties of plasma in magnetic field
   3.Prospect of controlled nuclear fusion
  *14-8 Introduction to General Relativity
   1.The equivalence principle in general relativity
   2.Several examples of spatiotemporal characteristics in general relativity
Chapter 15 Quantum Physics
  15-1 Blackbody Radiation, Planck’s Energy Quantum Assumption
   1.Blackbody,blackbody radiation
   2.The Stefan-Boltzmann law,Wien displacement law
   3.The Rayleigh-Jeans formula of the blackbody radiation,the difficulty of classical physics
   4.Planck’s hypothesis, Planck’s blackbody radiation formula
  15-2 Photoelectric Effect, Wave-particle Duality of Light
   1.The law of experiments of photoelectric effect
   2.Photon, Einstein equation
   3.Applications of photoelectric effects in modern technology
   4.The wave-particle duality of light
  15-3 Compton Effect
  15-4 Bohr’s Theory for the Hydrogen Atom
   1.Review of the latter-day viewpoints to hydrogen atom
   2.Bohr’s theory of the hydrogen atom and its difficulties
  *15-5 Franck-Hertz Experiments
  15-6 De Broglie Wave,Wave-particle Duality of Material Particle
   1.De Broglie hypothesis
   2.The experimental proof of de broglie wave
   3.Examples of applications
   4.The statistical interpretation of de broglie wave
  15-7 The Uncertainty Relationship
  15-8 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
   1.Wave function,the probability density
   2.Schr?dinger equation
   3.One dimensional potential well
   *4.The correspondence principle
   5.One dimensional potential barrier, the tunneling effect
  15-9 Introduction to the Quantum Theory of the Hydrogen Atom
   1.Schr?dinger equation of the hydrogen atom
   2.Three quantum numbers
   3.The ground state radial wave function and the electronic probability distribution of the hydrogen atom
  15-10 The Electronic Distribution of the Electrons in Multi-Electron Atoms
   1.The electron spin, the spin magnetic quantum number
   2.The distribution of electrons in multi-electron atoms
  *15-11 Laser
   1.Spontaneous radiation, stimulated radiation
   2.The principle of laser
   3.Laser generator
   4.Characteristics and applications of laser
  *15-12 Semi-Conductor
   1.The energy band of solids
   2.Intrinsic semi-conductors and impurity semi-conductors
   3.The pn junction
   4.The light induced volt effect
  *15-13 Superconductivity
   1.The conversion temperature of a superconductor
   2.Major characteristics of superconductors
   3.The BCS theory of superconductivity
   4.Future applications of superconductivity
  *15-14 Scanning Tunnelling Microscope
   1.Brief introduction of STM principle
   2.STM operation mode
   3.Applications of STM
   4.Developments of STM
  *15-15 Introduction to Nano material
   1.Nano effect
   2.Making nano materials
   3.A new nano material-carbon nanotube
Answers for Exercises in Part II
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