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本书是根据罗伯特?J?凯伯教授的《全球经济学》第13版改编的。该书的突出特点是紧密联系实践,理论和方法的阐述通俗易懂。如作者罗伯特?J?凯伯教授在本书的前言中所说:"我相信,把-门专业课的知识在实践中的应用讲授给学生,是激励他们学习这门课程的最好方式"。因此,本书适合我国高等院校经济管理专业本科生作为双语教材使用,也可供从事全球经济学研究的人员参考。 本书共包括17章内容。第1章阐述经济全球化的涵义、经济全球化趋势的形成和发展阶段,以及经济全球化产生和影响。其余16章分为两部分,第一部分阐述国际贸易关系,由第2-9章构成;第二部分阐述国际货币关系,由第10-17章构成。

CHAPTER 1 The International Economy and Globalization
  Globalization of Economic Activity
  Waves of Globalization
  First Wave of Globalization: 1870–1914
  Second Wave of Globalization: 1945–1980
  Latest Wave of Globalization
  The United States as an Open Economy
  Trade Patterns
  Labor and Capital
  Why Is Globalization Important?
  The Global Recession of 2007–2009
  Globalization: Increased Competition From Abroad
  Bicycle Imports Force Schwinn to Downshift
  Dell Sells Factories in Effort to Slash Costs
  Common Fallacies of International Trade
  Does Free Trade Apply to Cigarettes?
  Is International Trade an Opportunity or a Threat to Workers?
  Backlash Against Globalization
  Study Questions
PART 1 International Trade Relations
  CHAPTER2 Foundations of Modern Trade Theory: Comparative Advantage
   Historical Development of Modern Trade Theory
   The Mercantilists
   Why Nations Trade: Absolute Advantage
   Why Nations Trade: Comparative Advantage
   David Ricardo
   Production Possibilities Schedules
   Trading Under Constant-Cost Conditions
   Basis for Trade and Direction of Trade
   Production Gains from Specialization
   Consumption Gains from Trade
   Distributing the Gains from Trade
   Equilibrium Terms of Trade
   Babe Ruth and the Principle of Comparative Advantage
   Terms-of-Trade Estimates
   Dynamic Gains From Trade
   How Global Competition Led to Productivity Gains for US Iron Ore Workers
   Changing Comparative Advantage
   Trading Under Increasing-Cost Conditions
   Increasing-Cost Trading Case
   Partial Specialization
   The Impact of Trade on Jobs
   Comparative Advantage Extended to Many Products and Countries
   More Than Two Products
   More Than Two Countries
   Exit Barriers
   Empirical Evidence on Comparative Advantage
   Does Comparative Advantage Apply in the Face of Job Outsourcing?
   Advantages of Outsourcing
   Outsourcing of Boeing 787 Dreamliner Triggers Machinist’s Strike
   Outsourcing and the US Automobile Industry
   Burdens of Outsourcing
   Some US Manufacturers Prosper by Keeping Production in the United States
   Study Questions
  CHAPTER3 Sources of Comparative Advantage
   Factor Endowments as a Source of Comparative Advantage
   The Factor-Endowments Theory
   Visualizing the Factor-Endowment Theory
   Applying the Factor-Endowment Theory to US-China Trade
   Factor-Price Equalization
   Who Gains and Loses From Trade? The Stolper-Samuelson Theorem
   Globalization Drives Changes for US Automakers
   Is International Trade a Substitute for Migration?
   Specific Factors: Trade and the Distribution of Income in the Short Run
   Does Trade Make the Poor Even Poorer?
   Skill as a Source of Comparative Advantage
   Increasing Returns to Scale and Comparative Advantage
   External Economies of Scale and Comparative Advantage
   Overlapping Demands as a Basis for Trade
   Intra-industry Trade
   Technology as a Source of Comparative Advantage: The Product Cycle Theory
   Radios, Pocket Calculators, and the International Product Cycle
   Dynamic Comparative Advantage: Industrial Policy
   Government Subsidies Support Boeing and Airbus
   Government Regulatory Policies and Comparative Advantage
   Transportation Costs and Comparative Advantage
   Trade Effects
   Rising Energy Costs Hinder Trade Flows
   Falling Transportation Costs Foster Trade Boom
   Study Questions
  CHAPTER4 Tariffs
   The Tariff Concept
   Types of Tariffs
   Specific Tariff
   Ad Valorem Tariff
   Compound Tariff
   Effective Rate of Protection
   Tariff Escalation
   Outsourcing and Offshore-Assembly Provision
   Dodging Import Tariffs: Tariff Avoidance and Tariff Evasion
   Ford Strips Its Wagons to Avoid High Tariff
   Smuggled Steel Evades US Tariffs
   Postponing Import Tariffs
   Bonded Warehouse
   Foreign-Trade Zone
   FTZ’s Benefit Motor Vehicle Importers
   Tariff Effects: An Overview
   Tariff Welfare Effects: Consumer Surplus and Producer Surplus
   Tariff Welfare Effects: Small-Nation Model
   Tariff Welfare Effects: Large-Nation Model
   The Optimum Tariff and Retaliation
   How a Tariff Burdens Exporters
   Gains from Eliminating Import Tariffs
   Steel Tariffs Buy Time for Troubled Industry
   Tariffs and the Poor
   Arguments for Trade Restrictions
   Job Protection
   Protection Against Cheap Foreign Labor
   Fairness in Trade: A Level Playing Field
   Maintenance of the Domestic Standard of Living
   Equalization of Production Costs
   Infant-Industry Argument
   Noneconomic Arguments
   Petition of the Candle Makers
   The Political Economy of Protectionism
   A Supply and Demand View of Protectionism
   Study Questions
  CHAPTER5 Nontariff Trade Barriers
   Import Quota
   Trade and Welfare Effects
   Allocating Quota Licenses
   Quotas Versus Tariffs
   Tariff-Rate Quota: A Two-Tier Tariff
   Sugar Tariff-Rate Quota Bittersweet for Consumers
   Export Quotas
   Japanese Auto Restraints Put Brakes on US Motorists
   Domestic Content Requirements
   Domestic Production Subsidy
   How “Foreign” Is Your Car?
   Export Subsidy
   Forms of Dumping
   International Price Discrimination
   Antidumping Regulations
   Smith Corona Finds Antidumping Victories Are Hollow
   Canadians Press Washington Apple Producers for Level Playing Field
   Swimming Upstream: The Case of Vietnamese Catfish
   Is Antidumping Law Unfair?
   Should Average Variable Cost Be the Yardstick for Defining Dumping?
   Should Antidumping Law Reflect Currency Fluctuations?
   Are Antidumping Duties Overused?
   Other Nontariff Trade Barriers
   Government Procurement Policies
   US Fiscal Stimulus and Buy American Legislation
   Social Regulations
   Sea Transport and Freight Regulations
   Study Questions
  CHAPTER6 Trade Regulations and Industrial Policies
   US Tariff Policies Before 1930
   Smoot-Hawley Act
   Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act
   General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
   Trade Without Discrimination
   Promoting Freer Trade
   Predictability: Through Binding and Transparency
   Multilateral Trade Negotiations
   World Trade Organization
   Settling Trade Disputes
   Does the WTO Reduce National Sovereignty?
   Should Retaliatory Tariffs Be Used for WTO Enforcement?
   Does the WTO Harm the Environment?
   From Doha To Hong Kong: Failed Trade Negotiations
   Trade Promotion Authority (Fast-Track Authority)
   Safeguards (The Escape Clause): Emergency Protection From Imports
   Countervailing Duties: Protection Against Foreign Export Subsidies
   Lumber Duties Hammer Home Buyers
   Antidumping Duties: Protection Against Foreign Dumping
   Remedies Against Dumped and Subsidized Imports
   US Steel Companies Lose an Unfair Trade Case and Still Win
   Section 301: Protection Against Unfair Trading Practices
   Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
   Trade Adjustment Assistance
   Will Wage and Health Insurance Make Free Trade More Acceptable to Workers?
   Industrial Policies of the United States
   Export Promotion and Financing
   Industrial Policies of Japan
   Strategic Trade Policy
   Economic Sanctions
   Factors Influencing the Success of Sanctions
   Do Automaker Subsidies Weaken the WTO?
   Study Questions
  CHAPTER7 Trade Policies for the Developing Nations
   Developing-Nation Trade Characteristics
   Tensions Between Developing and Advanced Nations
   Trade Problems of the Developing Nations
   Unstable Export Markets
   Falling Commodity Prices Threaten Growth of Exporting Nations
   Worsening Terms of Trade
   Limited Market Access
   Agricultural Export Subsidies of Advanced Nations
   Stabilizing Primary-Product Prices
   Production and Export Controls
   Buffer Stocks
   Multilateral Contracts
   Does the Fair-Trade Movement Help Poor Coffee Farmers?
   The OPEC Oil Cartel
   Maximizing Cartel Profits
   OPEC as a Cartel
   Are International Labor Standards Needed to Prevent Social Dumping?
   Aiding the Developing Nations
   The World Bank
   International Monetary Fund
   Generalized System of Preferences
   Does Aid Promote Growth of Developing Nations?
   How to Bring Developing Nations in From the Cold
   Economic Growth Strategies: Import Substitution Versus Export-Led Growth
   Import Substitution
   Import-Substitution Laws Backfire on Brazil
   Export-Led Growth
   Is Economic Growth Good for the Poor?
   Can All Developing Nations Achieve Export-Led Growth?
   East Asian Economies
   Flying-Geese Pattern of Growth
   Study Questions
  CHAPTER8 Regional Trading Arrangements
   Regional Integration Versus Multilateralism
   Types of Regional Trading Arrangements
   Missing Benefits: The United States Falls Behind on Trade Liberalization
   Impetus for Regionalism
   Effects of a Regional Trading Arrangement
   Static Effects
   Did the United Kingdom (UK) Gain from Entering the European Union?
   Dynamic Effects
   The European Union
   Pursuing Economic Integration
   French and Dutch Voters Sidetrack Integration
   Agricultural Policy
   Economic Costs and Benefits of a Common Currency: The European Monetary Union
   Optimum Currency Area
   Europe as a Suboptimal Currency Area
   Challenges for the EMU
   The Euro, Ten Years Later: How Has It Performed?
   Does the Eurozone Need a Bailout Fund?
   North American Free Trade Agreement
   NAFTA’s Benefits and Costs for Mexico and Canada
   NAFTA’s Benefits and Costs for the United States
   NAFTA and Trade Diversion: Textiles and Apparel
   Is NAFTA an Optimum Currency Area?
   From NAFTA to CAFTA
   Free Trade Area of the Americas
   Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
   Transition Economies
   The Transition Toward a Market-Oriented Economy
   Russia and the World Trade Organization
   Study Questions
  CHAPTER9 International Factor Movements and Multinational Enterprises
   The Multinational Enterprise
   Motives for Foreign Direct Investment
   Demand Factors
   Do US Multinationals Exploit Foreign Workers?
   Cost Factors
   Supplying Products to Foreign Buyers: Whether to Produce Domestically or Abroad
   Direct Exporting versus Foreign Direct Investment/Licensing
   Foreign Direct Investment versus Licensing
   Country Risk Analysis
   International Trade Theory and Multinational Enterprise
   Japanese Transplants in the US Automobile Industry
   International Joint Ventures
   Welfare Effects
   Multinational Enterprises as a Source of Conflict
   Technology Transfer
   National Sovereignty
   Balance of Payments
   Transfer Pricing
   Does the US Tax Code Send American Jobs Offshore?
   International Labor Mobility: Migration
   The Effects of Migration
   Immigration as an Issue
   Does US Immigration Policy Harm Domestic Workers?
   Do Immigrants Really Hurt American Workers’ Wages?
   Study Questions
PART 2 International Monetary Relations
  CHAPTER10 The Balance of Payments
   Double-Entry Accounting
   International Payments Process
   Balance-of-Payments Structure
   Current Account
   Capital and Financial Account
   Statistical Discrepancy: Errors and Omissions
   US Balance of Payments
   The Paradox of Capital Flows from Developing to Industrial Countries
   What Does a Current Account Deficit (Surplus) Mean?
   Net Foreign Investment and the Current Account Balance
   Impact of Capital Flows on the Current Account
   Is a Current Account Deficit a Problem?
   Business Cycles, Economic Growth, and the Current Account
   Economic Downturn of 2007–2009: Effect on Foreign Investment in the United States
   How the United States Has Borrowed at Very Low Cost
   Do Current Account Deficits Cost Americans Jobs?
   Can the United States Continue to Run Current Account Deficits Indefinitely?
   Balance of International Indebtedness
   United States as a Debtor Nation Summary
   Study Questions
  CHAPTER11 Foreign Exchange
   Foreign-Exchange Market
   Types of Foreign-Exchange Transactions
   Interbank Trading
   Reading Foreign-Exchange Quotations
   Forward and Futures Markets
   Foreign-Currency Options
   Exchange-Rate Determination
   Demand for Foreign Exchange
   Weak Dollar Is a Bonanza for European Tourists
   Supply of Foreign Exchange
   Equilibrium Rate of Exchange
   Indexes of the Foreign-Exchange Value of the Dollar: Nominal and Real Exchange Rates
   The Forward Market
   The Forward Rate
   Relation Between the Forward Rate and Spot Rate
   Managing Your Foreign Exchange Risk: Forward Foreign-Exchange Contract
   How Markel Rides Foreign-Exchange Fluctuations
   Volkswagen Hedges Against Foreign-Exchange Risk
   Does Foreign-Currency Hedging Pay Off?
   Exchange-Rate Risk: The Hazard of Investing Abroad
   Interest Arbitrage
   Uncovered Interest Arbitrage
   Covered Interest Arbitrage
   Foreign-Exchange Market Speculation
   How to Play the Falling (Rising) Dollar
   Foreign Exchange Trading as a Career
   Foreign Exchange Traders Hired by Commercial Banks, Companies, and Central Banks
   Currency Markets Draw Day Traders
   Study Questions
  CHAPTER12 Exchange-Rate Determination
   What Determines Exchange Rates?
   Determining Long-Term Exchange Rates
   Relative Price Levels
   Relative Productivity Levels
   Preferences for Domestic or Foreign Goods
   Trade Barriers
   Inflation Rates, Purchasing Power Parity, and Long-Term Exchange Rates
   Law of One Price
   The “Big Mac” Index and the Law of One Price
   Purchasing Power Parity
   Determining Short-Term Exchange Rates: The Asset-Market Approach
   Inflation Differentials and the Exchange Rate
   Relative Levels of Interest Rates
   Expected Change in the Exchange Rate
   Diversification, Safe Havens, and Investment Flows
   The Ups and Downs of the Dollar
   The 1980s
   The 1990s
   The First Decade of the 2000s
   Exchange-Rate Overshooting
   Forecasting Foreign-Exchange Rates
   Judgmental Forecasts
   Technical Forecasts
   Fundamental Analysis
   International Comparisons of GDP: Purchasing Power Parity
   Comercial Mexicana Gets Burned By Speculation
   Study Questions
  CHAPTER13 Mechanisms of International Adjustment
   Price Adjustments
   Gold Standard
   Quantity Theory of Money
   Current-Account Adjustment
   Financial Flows and Interest-Rate Differentials
  CHAPTER14 Exchange-Rate Adjustments and the Balance of Payments
   Effects of Exchange-Rate Changes on Costs and Prices
   Japanese Firms Outsource Production to Limit Effects of Strong Yen
   Cost-Cutting Strategies of Manufacturers in Response to Currency Appreciation
   Appreciation of the Yen: Japanese Manufacturers
   Appreciation of the Dollar: US Manufacturers
   Will Currency Depreciation Reduce a Trade Deficit? The Elasticity Approach
   J-Curve Effect: Time Path of Depreciation
   Exchange Rate Pass-Through
   Partial Exchange Rate Pass-Through
   Invoice Practices
   Market Share Considerations
   Distribution Costs
   Why a Dollar Depreciation May Not Close the US Trade Deficit
   The Absorption Approach to Currency Depreciation
   The Monetary Approach to Currency Depreciation
   Study Questions
  CHAPTER15 Exchange-Rate Systems and Currency Crises
   Exchange-Rate Practices
   Choosing an Exchange Rate System: Constraints Imposed by Free Capital Flows
   Fixed Exchange-Rate System
   Use of Fixed Exchange Rates
   Par Value and Official Exchange Rate
   Exchange-Rate Stabilization
   Devaluation and Revaluation
   Bretton Woods System of Fixed Exchange Rates
   Floating Exchange Rates
   Achieving Market Equilibrium
   Trade Restrictions, Jobs, and Floating Exchange Rates
   Arguments for and Against Floating Rates
   Managed Floating Rates
   Managed Floating Rates in the Short and Long Terms
   Exchange-Rate Stabilization and Monetary Policy
   Is Exchange-Rate Stabilization Effective?
   The Crawling Peg
   Currency Crises
   Sources of Currency Crises
   Speculators Attack East Asian Currencies
   Capital Controls
   Should Foreign-Exchange Transactions Income Adjustments
   Disadvantages of Automatic Adjustment Mechanisms
   Monetary Adjustments
   Study Questions
  CHAPTER16 Macroeconomic Policy in an Open Economy
   Economic Objectives of Nations
   Policy Instruments
   Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply:A Brief Review
   Monetary and Fiscal Policy Respond to Financial Turmoil in the Economy
   Monetary and Fiscal Policy in a Closed Economy
   Monetary and Fiscal Policy in an Open Economy
   Does Crowding Occur in an Open Economy?
   Effect of Fiscal and Monetary Policy Under Fixed Exchange Rates
   Effect of Fiscal and Monetary Policy Under Floating Exchange Rates
   Macroeconomic Stability and the Current Account: Policy Agreement Versus Policy Conflict
   Inflation With Unemployment
   International Economic-Policy Coordination
   Policy Coordination in Theory
   Does Policy Coordination Work?
   Study Questions
  CHAPTER17 International Banking: Reserves, Debt, and Risk
   Nature of International Reserves
   Demand for International Reserves
   Exchange-Rate Flexibility
   Other Determinants
   Supply of International Reserves
   Foreign Currencies
   Should SDRs Replace the Dollar as the World’s Reserve Currency?
   International Gold Standard
   Gold Exchange Standard
   Demonetization of Gold
   Special Drawing Rights
   Facilities for Borrowing Reserves
   IMF Drawings
   General Arrangements to Borrow
   Swap Arrangements
   International Lending Risk
   The Problem of International Debt
   Dealing with Debt-Servicing Difficulties
   Reducing Bank Exposure to Developing-Nation Debt
   Debt Reduction and Debt Forgiveness
   The Eurodollar Market
   Study Questions

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