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物料号 :14460-00
作者:Ralph A.Burns

本书是影印版教材.全书共20章,主要含物质和能量,计量基础,元素、原子、周期表,原子结构:原子和离子,无机物的命名、分子式和用途,元素的周期性质,化学键,化学反应,化学方程的计算基础,气体,液体和固体,溶液,反应率和化学平衡,酸碱,氧化还原,核化学基础,有机化学,生物化学等。书中插有练习题每章后附有习题。 本书可作为高等学校化学化工和非化学化工类专业化学基础课程双语教学教材,也可供相关专业参考。

Preface xv
  A Guide to UsingThis Text xxi
  A Letter to the Student xxvii
1 Chemistry Is Everywhere
  1.1 Chemistry in Our World Chemistry at Work Chemistry and the Automobile Industry
  1.2 A Scientific Approach to Solving Problems
  1.3 Hypothesis to Theory: The Scientific Method
  1.4 Searching for Answers: Applied and Basic Research Chemistry in Our World Chemistry and Deep-Sea Diving
  1.5 Chemistry: A Central Science in Your Education Chapter Summary Assess Your Understanding Key Terms Problems
2 Matter and Energy
  2.1 Matter
  2.2 Matter Has States
  2.3 Elements and Compounds
  2.4 Pure Substances and Mixtures
  2.5 Physical and Chemical Properties and Changes A Closer Look Properties of Sulfur
  2.6 The Law of Conservation of Mass Faces of Chemistry Chemistry Becomes a Quantitative Science
  2.7 Energy and Chemical Change Chemistry in Our World Getting Rid of Solid Waste Chemistry in Our World Photosynthesis and Metabolism
  2.8 The Law of Conservation of Energy
  2.9 The Conversion of Matter to Energy Chapter Summary Assess Your Understanding Key Terms Problems Additional Problems
3 Fundamental Measurements
  3.1 Metric and SI Units
  3.2 Metric Length Measurement and Approximations
  3.3 Conversion Factors and Dimensional Analysis
  3.4 Metric Volume Measurement and Conversions
  3.5 Metric Mass Measurement and Conversions
  3.6 Conversion of Metric and English Units
  3.7 Uncertainty in Measurement
  3.8 Significant Figures
  3.9 Scientific Notation
  A Closer Look Counting Millions and Billions
  A Closer Look How Much is One Part Per Billion?
  3.10 Density and Specific Gravity
  3.11 Measurement of Temperature
  3.12 Temperature and Heat Energy Chapter Summary Assess Your Understanding Key Terms Problems Multi-Concept Challenge Problems Additional Problems
  4 Elements, Atoms, and the Periodic Table
  4.1 Elements: Ancient and Modern Theory
  A Closer Look Searching for the Elements
  4.2 Names and Symbols
  4.3 Abundant and Rare Elements
  4.4 The Periodic Table of Elements
  4.5 Physical Properties of Elements
  4.6 Atoms: Democritus to Dalton
  A Closer Look Experimental Verification
  4.7 Dalton’s Atomic Theory
  4.8 Atoms and Subatomic Particles
  4.9 Isotopes
  4.10 Atomic Masses of the Elements
  4.11 Counting with Moles
  4.12 Molar Masses and Chemical Formulas: An Introduction Chapter Summary Assess Your Understanding Key Terms Problems Multi-Concept Challenge Problems Additional Problems
5 Atomic Structure: Atoms and Ions
  5.1 The Discovery of Atomic Structure Faces of Chemistry The Curies
  5.2 The Electromagnetic Spectrum Chemistry in Our World Our Atmospheric Ozone Layer and UV Radiation Chemistry in Our World Sunscreens and Sunblocks Chemistry at Work IR Spectrometers
  5.3 Excited Electrons and Spectra Chemistry in Our World Fireworks and Flame Colors
  5.4 Electrons in Atoms
  Chemistry in Our World Excited Electrons and Spectra Faces of Chemistry Niels Bohr
  5.5 The Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom A Closer Look The Uncertainty Principle
  5.6 Energy Levels of Electrons
  5.7 Valence Electron and Lewis Symbols Faces of Chemistry Gilbert N. Lewis Electronic Structure: Optional Additional Insights
  5.8 Energy Sublevels and Orbitals
  5.9 Energy Sublevels and the Periodic Table
  5.10 Electron Configurations and Orbital Diagrams Chapter Swnunary Assess Your Understanding Kev Terms Problems Multi-Concept Challenge Problems Additional Problems
6 Names, Formulas, and Uses of Inorganic Compounds
  6.1 Monatomic Ions
  6.2 Polyatomic Ions
  6.3 Names and Formulas of Ionic Compounds
  6.4 The Use of Parentheses in Chemical Formula Writing
  6.5 Determining the Name of an Ionic Compounds from Its Formula
  6.6 Names and Formulas of Binary Compounds of Nonmetals Chemistry in Our World Nitric Oxide, Memory, and Aging
  6.7 Oxidation Numbers of Atoms in Polyatomic Compounds
  6.8 Nomenclature of Acids and Their Salts Chemistrn in Our World Sodium Nitrite, a Closer Look
  6.9 Hydrates
  6.10 Some Chemicals and Their Uses Chemistry in Our World Sodium Carbonate, a Key Chemical Chapter Summary Assess Your Understanding Kev Terms Problems Multi-Concept Challenge Problems Additional Problems
7 Periodic Properties of Elements
  7.1 Making Order Out of Chaos: Discoveries of Periodicity
  7.2 The Periodic Table Today
  7.3 Atomic and Ionic Size
  7.4 Ionization Energy
  7.5 Melting Point and Boiling Point Trends
  7.6 Density and Conductivity Trends
  7.7 A Survey of Elements by Groups Chemistry in Our World“Buckyballs”Discovery Merits 1996 Nobel Prize
  7.8 Transition Metals
  7.9 Inner Transition Metals
  Chapter Summary Assess Your Understanding
  Key Terms Problems
  Multi-Concept Challenge Problems Additional Problems
8 Chemical Bonds
  8.1 Ionic Bonds
  8.2 Covalent Bonds
  8.3 Electronegativity
  8.4 Polar Covalent Bonds
  8.5 Metallic Bonding
  8.6 Conductivity, Solubility, and Other Clues to Chemical Bonding
  8.7 Writing Lewis Electron-Dot Formulas Chemistry in Our World Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide
  8.8 Shapes of Molecules: Balloon Models and Electron Pair Repulsion Chemistry in Our World Free Radicals and Ozone Layer Depletion
  8.9 Water: A Bent Molecule
  8.10 Ammonia: A Trigonal Pyramidal Molecule
  8.11 Ammonium Ions and Coordinate Covalent Bonds
  8.12 Methane: A Tetrahedral Molecule
  8.13 Molecular Structures and the Periodic Table
  8.14 Hydrogen Bonding Chapter Summary Assess Your Understanding Key Terms Problems Multi-Concept Challenge Problems Additional Problems
9 Chemical Quantities
  9.1 Formula Weights and Molecular Weights
  9.2 Moles and Molar Masses A Closer Look How Big Is Avogadro’s Number?
  9.3 Composition Calculations
  9.4 Mass and Mole Conversions
  9.5 Calculations Involving Avogadro’s Number
  9.6 Molarity
  9.7 Empirical Formulas and Molecular Formulas
  9.8 Determination of Empirical Formulas
  9.9 Determination of Molecular Formulas
  Chapter Summary Assess Your Understanding
  Key Terms Problems
  Multi-Concept Challenge Problems Additional Problems
10 Chemical Reactions
  10.1 Chemical Reactions and Chemical Equations
  10.2 What Balanced Chemical Equations Tell Us
  10.3 Writing and Balancing Chemical Equations
  10.4 Classifying Reactions
  10.5 Combustion
  Chemistry in Our World Combustion, Carbon Dioxide, and the Greenhouse Effect
  10.6 Synthesis (Combination) Reactions
  10.7 Decomposition Reactions
  10.8 Reactions of Metals
  10.9 Reactions of Nonmetals
  10.10 Double-Replacement Reactions
  10.11 Ionic and Net Ionic Equations
  Chemistry in Our World Chemical Reactions in Limestone Caves
  10.12 Neutralization: A Double-Replacement Reaction
  Chapter Summary Assess Your Understanding
  Key Terms Problems
  Multi-Concept Challenge Problems Additional Problems
11 Stoichiometry: Calculations Based on Chemical
  11.1 Mole Ratios from Chemical Equations
  11.2 Mole-Mole Calculations
  11.3 Calculations Involving Moles and Masses
  11.4 Calculations Involving Molar Solutions
  11.5 Limiting Reactant Calculations
  11.6 Percent Yield
  11.7 Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions
  Chapter Summary Assess Your Understanding
  Key Terms Problems
  Multi-Concept Challenge Problems Additional Problems
12 Gases
  12.1 The Atmosphere
  12.2 The Kinetic Molecular Theory
  A Closer Look Gas Pressure Units
  12.3 Atmospheric Pressure
  12.4 Boyle’s Law: Gas Pressure and Volume
  12.5 Charles’s Law: Gas Volume and Temperature
  12.6 Gay-Lussac’s Law: Gas Pressure and Temperature
  Chemistry in Our World Popcorn and the Gas Laws
  12.7 Standard Temperature and Pressure
  12.8 The Combined Gas Law
  12.9 Avogadro’s Law: Gas Volume and Moles
  12.10 Molar Volume and Gas Density at STP
  12.11 The Ideal Gas Law
  12.12 Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures
  12.13 Gas Stoichiometry: Putting It All Together
  Chapter Summary Assess Your Understanding
  Key Terms Problems
  Multi-Concept Challenge Problems Additional Problems
13 Liquids and Solids
  13.1 Gases, Liquids, and Solids: Some Generalizations
  13.2 Interionic and Intermolecular Forces
  13.3 The Liquid State
  13.4 Vaporization and Condensation
  13.5 The Solid State
  13.6 Melting and Freezing
  13.7 Heating and Cooling Curves
  13.8 Water: A Most Unusual Liquid
  Chemistry in Our World Flash Freezing
  Chapter Summary Assess Your Understanding
  Key Terms Problems
  Multi-Concept Challenge Problems Additional Problems
14 Solutions
  14.1 What Is a Solution?
  14.2 Solubility Terminology
  14.3 The Solubility of Ionic Compounds
  14.4 The Solubility of Covalent Compounds
  14.5 Solubility Equilibria
  14.6 Effects of Temperature and Pressure on Solubility
  14.7 Solution Concentration Expressions
  Chemistry in Our World Lead: How Much Is Too Much?
  14.8 Colligative Properties of Solutions
  14.9 Colloids
  14.10 Osmosis and Dialysis (optional)
  Chapter Summary Assess Your Understanding
  Key Terms Problems Additional Problems
15 Reaction Rates and Chemical Equilibrium
  15.1 Reaction Rates: Collision Theory
  15.2 Factors That Control Reaction Rates
  Chemistry in Our World Body Temperatures
  Chemistry at Work Reaction Mechanisms
  Chemistry al Work Automobile Catalytic Converters
  15.3 Reversible Reactions and Equilibrium
  15.4 Le Chatelier’s Principle
  Chemistry at Work Ammonia Synthesis
  15.5 The Effect of a Catalyst on a System
  15.6 The Equilibrium Constant Expression
  Chapter Summary Assess Your Understanding
  Key Terms Problems
  Multi-Concept Challenge Problems Additional Problems
16 Acids and Bases
  16.1 Acids and Bases: The Arrhenius Theory
  16.2 Strong and Weak Acids
  Chemistry at Work Sulfuric Acid
  16.3 Strong and Weak Bases
  16.4 Reactions of Acids
  Chemistry in Our World Acid Rain
  Chemistry in Our World Is There Acid in Your Dough?
  16.5 Reactions of Bases
  Chemistry in Our World Antacid Chemistry
  16.6 Bronsted-Lowry Definitions of Acids and Bases
  16.7 Lewis Definitions of Acids and Bases
  16.8 The Self-Ionization of Water
  16.9 The pH Scale
  16.10 Hydrolysis: Salts in Water
  16.11 Buffers: Controlling the pH
  Chemistry in Our World Buffers in the Blood
  16.12 Acid-Base Titrations
  Chapter Summary Assess Your Understanding
  Key Terms Problems
  Multi-Concept Challenge Problems Additional Problems
17 Oxidation and Reduction
  17.1 Oxidation Numbers: A Review
  17.2 Oxidation and Chemical Properties of Oxygen
  Chemistry in Our World Oxygen
  17.3 Reduction and Chemical Properties of Hydrogen
  A Closer Look Hydrogen
  17.4 Some Important Oxidizing Agents
  Chemistry at Work Hydrogen Peroxide
  Chemistry in Our World Antiseptics and Disinfectants
  17.5 Some Important Reducing Agents
  Chemistry in Our World Bleaching and Stain Removal
  Chemistry at Work Photography
  17.6 Oxidization and Reduction Half-Reactions
  17.7 Electrolytic Cells
  17.8 Voltaic Cells
  A Closer Look Corrosion
  Chapter Summary Assess Your Understanding
  Kev Terms Problems
  Multi-Concept Challenge Problems Additional Problems
18 Fundamentals of Nuclear Chemistry
  18.1 Natural Radioactivity
  18.2 Half-life
  18.3 Measuring Radiation: The Units
  18.4 Radiation Detectors
  18.5 Background Radiation
  Chemistry in Our World Radon-222 in Our Lives
  18.6 Artificial Transmutations
  18.7 Induced Radioactivity
  Chemistry at Work Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scans
  18.8 Practical Uses of Some Radioisotopes
  Chemistry at Work Dating the Shroud of Turin
  18.9 Nuclear Fission: Splitting Atoms
  18.10 Nuclear Power Plants
  A Closer Look Nuclear Power
  18.11 Nuclear Fusion
  A Closer Look Nuclear Energy
  Chapter Summary Assess Your Understanding
  Key Terms Problems Additional Problems
19 Organic Chemistry
  19.1 General Properties of Organic and Inorganic Chemicals
  19.2 Alkanes: The Saturated Hydrocarbons
  19.3 Using Structural Formulas
  19.4 The Universal Language: IUPAC Nomenclature
  Chemistry at Work Gasoline and Octane Ratings
  19.5 Alkenes and Alkynes: Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
  Chemistry in Our World Two Polyethylenes
  19.6 Aromatic Hydrocarbons
  19.7 Alcohols
  Chemistry in Our World Ethyl Alcohol
  19.8 Phenols
  19.9 Ethers
  19.10 Aldehydes and Ketones
  19.11 Carboxylic Acids and Esters
  19.12 Amines and Amides
  Chapter Summary Assess Your Understanding
  Key Terms Problems Additional Problems
20 Biochemistry
  20.1 Carbohydrates
  20.2 Lipids
  Chemistry in Our World Saturated and Unsaturated Fats in Your Diet
  20.3 Amino Acids and Proteins
  20.4 Nucleic Acids
  Chemistry in Our World Genetic Engineering
  20.5 Some Vitamins and Hormones
  Chapter Summary Assess Your Understanding
  Key Terms Problems Additional Problems
APPENDIX A Metric and English Conversions and Some Physical Constants
APPENDIX B Basic Algebra Operations
APPENDIX C Exponential Notation
APPENDIX D Using Conversion Factors to Solve Problems
APPENDIX F Solutions to Exercises and Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems Credits for Photographs








